Meat Cove

Cloud had moved in. It was the morning after our arrival when we arrived at 11 at night at our Campground. In the morning when the clouds had come in there was a slight breeze, 

“Daddy, will there be a storm?”  I Asked no knowing if there would be a storm or not.

“I don’t know Jae but I’m glad we rented a cabin and we didn’t use tents” daddy said as more clouds rolled in.

Later in the day it got really windy and there was a little bit of rain but no snow because it wasn’t winter. Still during the day we saw like a tent just fly off because it was so windy it felt like we were in like remnants of a hurricane. We couldn’t really do anything because it was so windy that it was kind of dangerous to go anywhere on Meat Cove. 

As the day progressed the wind got stronger and stronger. When I saw that a tent had broken the cabin felt safer but also not as stable at the same time. As the sun started to set we started working on the chili we were going to make. We each got a bag of chips. I can’t remember what kind but they’re kind of like corn chips except they’re flat and curly.  as we sat down to eat our chili a huge gust of wind knocked a bowl of the chili down making that bowl of chili inedible.

The next morning the sun rose with no wind, it was a perfect day. As we went down to the beach we noticed that the tent that had broken was not there. As It had turned out that the people since their tent was broken they had decided that they would go somewhere else.When we got to the beach  I decided to wade in the river for a little bit. When I decided to go into the ocean I couldn’t go very far because of Riptides,The ocean was nice and salty but there was also a couple caves and since the summer heat was super hot we could stay in one of those little caves to keep cool. and it was really nice and the water in the river was so refreshing. When we were in one of those little caves cooling down we saw this boy like more of a teenager actually who is like climbing the quest a little bit and it was kind of cool but also a little scary seeing someone do that because if they aren’t following they could easily have died or broken a bone.” Mama that looks scary cuz That kind of stuff scares me when I see someone climbing something High” I said “because I have a big fear of heights.” As we packed up to go I started to really miss this place and I hope that I can come back sometime because I really enjoyed Meat Cove.


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